(Source: businessworld.ie)
Cork based home energy firm e-volv has set a goal of helping customers save up to 60% on their home energy costs. e-volv’s team of expert staff is aiming to help homeowners and businesses to improve their home energy solutions providing advice on solar panels, insulation, heating and home security. The advice is based on the customer’s needs and their budget and the work is installed by registered and approved professionals.
e-volv will also be launching its own dedicated ‘switcher service’ in the coming weeks. The firm claims customers can save up to €1,000 per year on their energy bills by using this service. The service differs from others already in the market in that the customer will pay a small admin fee to use the service for an individual and bespoke review of the best price plans for the customer. After this e-volv will manage and monitor the switching for the customer, meaning they will never miss out on discounts. Advice is also available on grants for homeowners and businesses via e-volv.